Viron Erol Vert
Atoms, Soul, Senses
Viron Erol Vert uses the garden pavilion of the Villa as a light relationship space. The glass fronts are covered with 32 different coloured foils, in the interior six geometric bodies act as contact organs and as many fans let velvet ribbons flutter. On them are quotations from Lucretius’s De Rerum Natura. Viron Erol Vert read this book during his stay in Florence in 2018. Written in the 1st century B.C., this ‘instructional poem’ in six volumes is a critical religious text about the construction of society and culture in a world of atoms. Viron Erol Vert takes up the impetus of the Roman poet and philosopher to set ‘calmness of mind’ against fear and creates a minimalist space for it.
Viron Erol Vert, artist, born in Berlin, lives in Berlin and Istanbul, Villa Romana Fellow 2018.
Events inside Atoms, Soul, Senses:
13.05. 19:00 Concert: Anna Aurigi, soprano; Stefano Poli, pianoforte
12.06. 17:00 Poetry reading: Silvia Guasti (in Italian)
02.07. 21:30 Performance: Autumn Night
06.07. 21:00 Concert: Gea Brown
21.07. 18:00 Podcast listening: Gian Piero Frassinelli. Pensare e vivere la radicalità dell’architettura (in Italian)
Viron Erol Vert, Atoms, Souls and Senses, 2022, installation view, Villa Romana, IT. photo Ela Bialkowska OKNOstudio