YGBI: una risposta secca
With Christian Offman, Raziel Perin, Kelly Costigliolo, Ismael Lo, Jermay Michael Gabriel Cappelin – moderated by Justin Randolph Thompson
The YGBI Research Residency was designed as a platform that incentivizes collectivity, develops strategies for mutual support and fosters frameworks for discourse in relation to young artists of African descent within the context of Italy. Through its three editions, twelve artists have come together under four separate mentors; Andrea Fatona, Leaf Jerlefia, Arlette Louise Ndakoze and SA Smythe.
This round table is the first convening of the twelve artists all together and is structured to elaborate a tool kit for addressing collective needs while taking on institutional and societal obstacles. The talk addresses the power of the individual in attending to collective needs and the importance of looking across the table. It employs the quote from Cécile Kyenge as an invitation to be blunt and precise in advancing collective demands. The talk is moderated by Justin Randolph Thompson, director of Black History Month Florence and is coordinated by The Recovery Plan.
In collaboration with The Recovery Plan and Numeroventi